Vitamin D3 Wellness Plan

Feel the power of Vitamin D and live better, for less than $1 dollar a day.

Designed to boost your Vitamin D3 levels to help you feel better, longer.

Unless you're spending hours outside per day, with no sunblock, there's a big chance that you're deficient in Vitamin D3. Our D3 Wellness plan helps you confirm your deficiency and bring those levels up over the course of a year.

IM Shots on Table
NeuMed IV Infusion Therapy Suite

A year's worth of the sunshine vitamin for less than $1 a day

Boost your Vitamin D levels, safely over the course of year, proven to help you feel more energized and healthier overall.

Vitamin D3 Wellness Plan

A 12-month plan packed with more than just wellness

Vitamin D3 Testing

Before your first shot, we'll run testing to see exactly where your levels are and where we want them to be.

The First 3 Months

During the first 3 months, most people will receive up to (2) D3 shots per month for an initial boost.

Monthly D3 Shots

For the remaining 9 months, you'll receive a monthly D3 shot to help maintain your levels.

Ready to boost your life?

Give your body what it deserves and boost your life with the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D3 for less than a dollar a day ($349).