
Aids in reducing PMS symptoms, menstrual cramps, headaches, nausea, tension and fatigue.

Neu-Woman Infusion

Doctor formulated especially to help women feel better and treat issues and menstruation symptoms.

Benefits – What’s it good for?

Contains the right blend of fluids, electrolytes, and vitamins to prevent and treat menstrual cramps, fatigue, anemia, and other symptoms unique to women.

Ingredients – What’s in it?

We only use the highest medical grade ingredients in all of our infusions.

Vitamin B12Energy, Focus, Immunity, Mood
MagnesiumLibido, Mood, Performance
ToradolAnti-Inflammation, Pain
SalineHydration, Electrolytes

Frequency – How often should I get it?

Monthly infusions are recommended for most people however, high-performance individuals can opt for bi-weekly.

Add Enhancer(s)

  • Glutathione for a rich antioxidant boost.

Explore IV infusion memberships

Plans designed to make getting the vitamins and hydration you need more affordable.

IV Infusions

bride and groom on wedding day

Bridal IV Therapy Package

Designed to give you flawless glowing skin, a burst of energy, and immune support so you can step into your big day full of confidence.
Glutathione skin benefits


A highly effective dual power infusion of Glutathione and Vitamin C for ultimate skin lightening and brightening effects.
Woman losing weight with Semaglutide


A powerful blend crafted to increase metabolism, burn fat and decrease unhealthy cravings.
Recovery Package NAD

Recovery NAD+

Our Recovery NAD+ treatment plan was designed for those seeking the most intensive NAD+ treatment.
NAD Therapy Brain Power

Neu-Vitality NAD+

Helps reverse the effects of aging and fights problems like tiredness, memory loss, and weaker physical abilities.
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Enhances mental clarity and concentration with brain-boosting nutrients.
Photo of loving couple laying down on a bed


A powerful blend of Zinc, Vitamin B Complex & Arginine to significantly boost your Libido and passion.
glutathione iv therapy


An effective high-dose infusion of the powerful antioxidant Glutathione.
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Eases morning sickness, reduces uterine irritability, and helps supplement baby's growth & development.

Quick Drip Happy Hour: Monday-Thursday from 12pm-2pm - $79 (includes 500cc of Saline + 1 Enhancer)